

Andy dislich


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Let’s talk​

Business development is like ...

Going on a vacation?

Yes, you read that right. Business development is like a vacation trip. The processes involved are quite similar to those of planning a vacation—but not just any ​trip, one that you plan well in advance to ensure everything goes perfectly.

Imagine you want to experience an unforgettable vacation. You want to discover the best sights, visit fascinating places, perhaps even venture off the beaten ​path, explore hidden locations, and taste the most authentic food of the region. But this isn't possible without preparation. You thoroughly research your ​destinations, calculate the costs, and choose accommodations on specialized platforms. You read reviews from people who have already been there, perhaps ​buy maps and travel guides created by experts of the destinations, and purchase appropriate gear. You might even book a guided tour or hire a local guide to ​make sure you experience everything the destination has to offer.

Who would book an expensive, luxurious vacation and then set off without a plan, without preparation, without luggage, and without any travel guidance?

No one!



Lost baggage in airport.


Girl Lost in Nature by Herself

In the business world, well-thought-out planning is also essential. No one wants to invest money in an unprepared market entry or expansion. Just like with a ​vacation trip, detailed preparations are necessary here.

Whether it's about entering new markets, expanding the business, going international, or developing a new product line—the right steps must be taken from ​the very beginning. You need to analyze the market and the competition, create a solid business and marketing plan, and rely on expert knowledge to make ​the best decisions. It’s about choosing the right tools and resources and seeking legal and financial advice before taking the next big step.

If you want to ensure that your business "development journey" is as successful as your dream vacation, you need a clear strategy and the support of experts ​and experienced guides to accompany you along the way. I offer you this support and help you on your business development journey to achieve your goals ​safely and successfully.

Brushstroke Arrow Smooth Round Curve
Business plan

4 Stations - The Development Process

Your Biz Dev Journey

I have developed a process that can be tailored to companies, entrepreneurs, and founders, guiding you on your journey to achieving your individual ​business goals. The theme of a "vacation trip" serves as an exemplary guide throughout this process.

s already mentioned, many elements of the development process are closely comparable to planning a vacation. This approach not only makes the entire ​process more accessible and intuitive but also more tangible, as many people have a positive association with the concept of a vacation. This approach ​makes it easier to identify with the various phases of business development and also helps to deepen the understanding of each step.

The four stages of this development journey are:


Timeline Milestone Graph




What is practical about this is that you can hop in or out of the program with your company or project at almost any stage, just like a hop-on, hop-off bus on ​a city tour. If you have already advanced in your planning phase and now need support in the preparatory implementation, I am happy to help. If you need ​support in the planning phase, that is also possible. Or perhaps you have already made a market entry and are expanding into another, larger market and ​need navigation assistance. Anything is possible.


Plan your journey professionally

Station 1

Couple Planning Vacation Using the World Map.

Just as you carefully plan a vacation by studying maps, ​researching destinations, and deciding what to pack, we ​begin the process for your company or project with thorough ​research followed by a planning phase. During the research, ​we gather and analyze essential information about the target ​market, distribution channels, competition, cost structures, ​revenue opportunities, ROI, and legal frameworks.

We will examine every detail to develop a tailored strategy ​that aligns with your individual goals. This includes creating ​comprehensive plans for financing, distribution, marketing, ​digital presence, social media, and more.

By the end of this stage, you will have a detailed master plan ​ready to be implemented, ensuring a smooth and successful ​entry into your new markets.


  • Market Research and Analysis
  • Financial Analysis
  • Market Entry Strategy
  • Sales Plan
  • Marketing Plan
  • Digital Strategy
  • Social Media
  • New Work Ideas
  • Additional Support
  • Regulatory Framework
  • Legal Aspects


Pack your suitcase properly

Statio​n 2

Open Packed Suitcase on Bed

For your vacation preparation, you would now select your ​destination, book your trip, purchase and pack your ​essentials and special equipment. You’d get everything in ​order before heading to the airport and boarding the plane. ​Our next step in business development follows a similar ​approach.

Now, we focus on preparing everything for the launch. This ​step might include setting up your new business unit, ​registering it, and organizing your finances. You may also ​need to adapt your products or services to the new market, ​create or translate marketing materials, and establish ​processes and protocols. Perhaps you need additional staff. ​We will clarify all additional requirements, such as necessary ​digital tools, other services, or planning a virtual or in-person ​launch event.

By the end of this phase, you should feel very confident ​about making the executing step into your new market.


  • Business Registration​
  • Legal Compliance​
  • Securing/Organizing Finances​
  • Adapting Products/Services​
  • Translations​
  • Creating Marketing Materials​
  • Establishing Processes​
  • Hiring/Training Staff​
  • Creating Protocols​
  • Digital Tools​


Ma​ke a perfect start

Statio​n 3

jet airplane takeoff in  sky

The third step in a vacation is to actually embark on your ​journey. Boarding the plane, taking off, implementing your ​plans, and using what you've packed.

Similarly, in this business phase, it's time to put your ​expansion plan into action. Now is the time to launch the ​systems we’ve set up, from digital campaigns and marketing ​plans to sales and acquisition, among other things. As your ​business development guide, I will help you explore the new ​market, show you where you can sell your products or offer ​your services, how to reach the right customers, and provide ​advice on effectively interacting with your target audience. ​With my support, you will gain insider knowledge and ​strategies to maximize your success in the new market.

You will only move on from this stage once all systems are ​running at 100% and fully implemented. Only then can you ​enjoy the next phase of your journey and continue working ​on your development.


  • Conduct Launch Event
  • Implement Digital Strategy
  • Begin Customer Acquisition
  • Expand Network
  • Execute Marketing Plan
  • Acquire Key Customers
  • Sales and Service
  • Activate Processes
  • Set Up Evaluation System


Station 4

Fully enjoy your journey

Words  "TRAVEL the WORLD" and Accessories for Travel Flatlay

Lastly, you can enjoy your stay at your vacation destination. ​In our fourth phase, you can also reap the rewards of your ​hard work that has brought you here. However, we won’t ​simply relax indefinitely and bask in the sun. Now, you can ​intensify your sales efforts, reflect, adjust, and optimize your ​processes to eventually reach the point where you decide to ​further expand your business.

At that point, you can restart the entire process for new ​customers, an expansion of the product line, new revenue ​sources, or the next market.

Your journey is far from over. If you've ​made it to this point, nothing can stop you ​now. You can apply your new success ​formula repeatedly. You're ready to ​conquer more and more markets.


Vector Cycle Arrows Infographic with 4 Options, Steps or Parts


  • Systematize and Standardize
  • Reflect
  • Adjust and Optimize
  • Professionalize Sales
  • Add New Revenue Streams
  • Plan Further Expansions

St​art Your Business Development Journey TODAY

You can schedule an initial, no-obligation online meeting with me. Here’s what you can ​expect in this brief, straightforward, and friendly video conversation:

  • We get to know each other
  • You tell me about your situation and your ideas
  • We discuss whether and how I could assist yo​u​

Bo​ok your meeting NOW

Bo​ok Your FREE initial online meeting

Ab​out Me

Andy Dislich

Your Guide for business development | ​Market Entry | Expansion | Unlocking ​Opportunities | Increasing Sales | ​Establishing Your Idea, Product, Service ​internationally ✨

Show Profile

If you are not a LinkedIn member, you ​can request to receive my resume ​and experience history HERE.



Andy dislich


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2024 Eine Marke der Kraken & Shark GmbH